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Главная Tours in Ladakh

We from 2004 year organize and conduct phototours  and tours of various kinds (travel, yoga, ayurveda) to India and Southeast Asia.
On our site you will find details of our next rounds, what is necessary in order to travel, how to prepare for the tour, and a lot of useful and interesting information on the countries in which we operate.
INCREDIBLE HIMALAYA Lmd. - the official Indian travel company operating in the Russian and English languages.
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Photo tours and tours calendar
1100 $

Winter Mysteries in Ladakh

7.02 — 16.02.2025 (10 days)
1000 $

Tibet Lake Advertising

17.08 — 26.08.2025 (10 days)
1000 $

Legends of Tibet: Zanskar

30.08 — 9.09.2025 (11 days)
Life — as Wonderful Journey.

Ladakh: Tours and Trekking in Ladakh, tours to Zanskar, tours in Spiti valley.

Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir state, North India) is a very significant place for the Project PhotoTour: We live in Ladakh.
We love and know Ladakh.
We sincerely accept the culture of this place as one of the most environmentally friendly/ Eco-friendly on the planet.
We have a great team of Russian- and English-speaking guides.
And we can be your guides on this amazing land.
Attention! Our tours, travel and trekking in the valleys of Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti are designed for European tourists.

In the land of Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti valley we organize private tours, trekking and excursions of any type and duration:
- travel by jeep,
- Tours around the lakes of Ladakh,
- Eco-tours,
- Trekking of any category of complication,
- Bike tours,
- Bicycle tours, cycling,
- Photo tours,
- Yoga tours,
- Pilgrimage tours,
- Tours, exploring the culture of Tibetan Buddhism,
- Tours to the mysteries and festivals in the Buddhist monasteries,
- Tours to the teachings in Ladakh
(Organization comfortable accommodation + transport + accompanying guide if necessary)
- Tours to the monasteries of Ladakh,
- Tours in Zanskar,
- Tours in Spiti valley,
- Organization and support of film and photo shooting in Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti.

Map of trekking routes in Ladakh and Zanskar.

Карта треккинговых маршрутов по Ладакху и Занскару.

The following page shows our tour-programs around Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti in 2021.

The timing of any type of tours: April - October inclusive.
Buddhist mysteries in Ladakh are available all year round, according to the calendar of Buddhist holidays.
Our tours are accompanied by Russian-speaking tour guides and English-speaking guides.

If you want us to arrange a trip to Ladakh please send us e-mail using the form below.
In a letter in any form, please indicate:
1. What is the tour you want to go.
2. The timing of the tour.
3. Number of people.
4. General wishes for the tour.
After receiving the letter we will communicate with you and engage in organizing of your trip to Ladakh.

Warning! If you do not receive a reply to your e-mail within 6 hours, please check the spam: most likely letter is there. We always reply to any e-mails sent to us.


Write us a letter

Your name
Your email

Advantages of traveling with us to Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti.

Attention! We - the only European team, officially working in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti Valley.

We live in Leh, Ladakh, and we are the first hand, and we have our own transport in Ladakh, our hotels, our own team of guides.

We organize and conduct all tours and treks ourselves.
This means that:
1. In terms of security: we are able to carry out proper acclimatization to the altitude; we know the way physicians treat if necessary; vehicles using our tours are service completed after maintenance; we accompany our tours from the gangway to the gangway of the plane and always track the safety situation in the tour itinerary.
2. In terms of the cost of the tours: we offer our customers local prices, without agents with high percent.
3. In terms of the organization of tours: we know Ladakh and can organize here any tour according to your wishes.
4. In terms of the tours: we have full control and are responsible for everything that happens on our tours, and can always change the program flexibly at your request.
5. We love the culture of Ladakh, we live in this culture - and we accompany our guests in the places where tourists usually do not get.

Total: With us, your journey to Ladakh will be really interesting, affordable, English-speaking, safe and comfortable in all aspects.


Programs tours in Ladakh, the kingdom of Zanskar and Spiti valley.

The following are examples of various tours of different kinds and complexity, which we spent on Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti.
You can take one of this journeys as the basis : the cost of each tour in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti calculated individually, because it depends on the size of the group, transportation, time and your individual wishes.
And we can make your individual tour program, considering your wishes.

Tours and Trekking in Ladakh in 2021.

Tours in Ladakh:
Tours in Ladakh and jeep tours to Ladakh allow to move through the valley of Ladakh and adjoint valleys comfortably.
These tours in Ladakh are the most suitable if you can't take 3-4 days for acclimatization in a trip to Ladakh. Below are examples of the programs of tours in Ladakh, and we always can create an individual tour, taking  your wishes into account.

Tours to Buddhist festivals with dancing Tsam mystery in the monasteries of Ladakh.
Every year we organize and conduct tours of different directions (from photo tours to the pilgrimage and yoga tours) including Buddhist mysteries of dancing -  Cham (Cham Dance, Lama Dance masks, dance masks) in the monasteries of Ladakh and Zanskar.

Yoga tours in Ladakh.
Every summer we spend a few yoga tours and yoga retreats in Ladakh.
The main advantage of these yoga tours is that they provide an opportunity to practice yoga with the Master in a pure high altitude, but also allow practicing yoga in natural places of power, which greatly increases the Energoeffect, imbues with energy, restores the body.
We are ready to organize a yoga retreat in Ladakh for both individuals and organized groups from yoga centers.
Below - examples of programs of our yoga tours in Ladakh, and we can organize a yoga retreat at your request.

Motorbike tours in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti.
Each season we organize and conduct motorbike tours in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti.
This is the most difficult kind of tours in terms of the organization, implementation and support of the tours we have in Ladakh .
Therefore, all the bike tours in Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti we organize only upon request.
However, it's necessary to notice that this is one of the most interesting tours in Ladakh.
We present to you a few basic programs of bike tours in Ladakh, each of them is available on request with adaptation to a particular group of moto-tourists.
The same way other routes of bike tours can be developed, according to your request.

Cycling tours in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti. Biking in Ladakh.
Upon request, we can develop, organize and carry out a bike tour to Ladakh of any complexity.
Below - examples of programs of basic routes Tour in the Ladakh.
The program, conditions and support of a bike tour are discussed individually.

Trekking in Ladakh.
Every summer we organize and conduct trekking in Ladakh. You can get acquainted with our programs for Ladakh trekking below.
If you want to organize your trip to Ladakh composed of the trekking - we are happy to help you.

Tours and trekking in Kingdom of Zanskar.
Zanskar, the Kingdom of Zanskar, Zanskar high valley is one of the most extraordinary place in the world.
This can be a lot of reading and talking, but it's better to see Zanskar with your own eyes. Visit this place and feel the unique atmosphere of Zanskar, dissolve in it.
We organize tours, trekking, tracks and travels in Zanskar.

Tours and trekking in Spiti (State of Himachal Pradesh).
Spiti Valley - is one of those unique places on earth that retained the original form due to its sparsely populated and remote. In Sanskrit "Spiti"  is “a precious place".
This area is a mountain valley, almost devoid of vegetation/greens and located at an altitude of 4500m above the sea. Buddhist monasteries spread throughout the valley.
Another name of this place is "Little Tibet".
We organize tours and spend Trekking in Spiti valley since 2010 and we will be happy to arrange for such a journey for you.
In general, as it is written on posters on the highway road Keylong - Caza: Do not wait for the next life to come to Spiti. Do it now!

Attention! Design and calculation of individual tours, trekking and travel to Ladakh not listed  in the tour programs on the site starts only when you make advance payment of $ 100.
If you eventually make our tour, this amount will be included in the tour price.
Please understand us correctly: in this way we define our real travelers. All those who book the calculation of the tour  - in the end came with us to a journey through Ladakh.

We also provide information services on the organization of independent travel in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti.
The service is paid: You make a list of questions, send us through the form below of the page, the administrator of the Project PhotoTour calculate the price and after the payment of the bill, we provide detailed advice on your questions.
Consultation can be done both verbally through Skype and written by e-mail. The verbal communication on Skype is preferable  - we can give you more information.
Attention! We do not give contacts of our guides and drivers: Project PhotoTour team runs only on tours, trekking and traveling around Ladakh, which are organized and conducted by our touristic company.

If you want to organize your tour to Ladakh independently, we can provide contacts of transport companies operating in the region on request, but we are not responsible for the work of this organizations.
As an independent service it is also possible to book hotels, guesthouses and campsites along the route of your tour.
However, in general we prefer tours organized and conducted ourselves from the beginning till the end.

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