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Главная Individual tours

We from 2004 year organize and conduct phototours  and tours of various kinds (travel, yoga, ayurveda) to India and Southeast Asia.
On our site you will find details of our next rounds, what is necessary in order to travel, how to prepare for the tour, and a lot of useful and interesting information on the countries in which we operate.
INCREDIBLE HIMALAYA Lmd. - the official Indian travel company operating in the Russian and English languages.
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Photo tours and tours calendar
1100 $

Winter Mysteries in Ladakh

7.02 — 16.02.2025 (10 days)
1000 $

Tibet Lake Advertising

17.08 — 26.08.2025 (10 days)
1000 $

Legends of Tibet: Zanskar

30.08 — 9.09.2025 (11 days)
Life — as Wonderful Journey.

Individual tours with a travel agency INCREDIBLE HIMALAYA.

Individual tours.
We organize and help to organize the individual photo tours and tours to India, Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti Valley, Tibet, the Himalayas, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Ethiopia.
We provide everything in the literal sense of the word during the preparation of the routes and organizing tours: help with visas, rent various types of transport, assistance in finding and purchasing tickets, detailed development of the route of the tour step by step, hotel reservations, maintenance by guides-interpreters.
We will develop for you an interesting route, which will be based on a real knowledge of these places, we will show you these countries from within - such as they seen by locals and not tourists.
At the same time we will make your journey comfortable, safe, and affordable.
Every individual travel program is developed on request / interests of individuals / groups of travelers.
The cost/price/ of individual tour is calculated for each group individually and can be changed by the group requests:
so if it's necessary - we'll show you the way how you can save money and have almost any budget.
By the way, needs and interests can be very different, so we take the great interest in the organization of the tour by exclusive request.

In order to discuss the preparation of the individual tour, please fill the form at the bottom of the page: "Apply for the development of an individual photo tour / tour" and we will contact you within 2-6 hours.
Also it should be understood that the development and preparation of individual tour takes some amount of time, and therefore it is desirable to apply in advance -  for 3 months before the start of the journey.

ATTENTION! If you do not receive a reply to your e-mail within 2-6 hours, please look in the spam folder: emails from new senders are forwarded there very often.
We always reply to emails sent to us!

Attention! We develop and calculate the cost of individual tours and travels in the specified countries only after receiving of irrevocable advance payment of $ 100. We sign with you a contract  for the developing of individual tour, and provide you a detailed tour program and calculation after receiving an advance payment within a week. If you use our services for organizing and conducting of the tour after, the advance payment of $ 100 will be included in the cost of your individual tour.
To order the development of the individual tour, please fill out the form on the page below and administrator will send you a bill for the down payment during 2-6 hours.  After the receiving of the payment we sign a contract with you to develop individual tour. The contract will be sent to you on mail with receipt of advance payment  and fixes your wishes for the tour. You will receive a fully developed and calculated program of your trip within a week.

Attention! We also provide information and consulting services for the organization of independent travel to these countries.
Paid service/The service is paid/: You write a list of questions, send us through the form below the page, then the administrator of the INCREDIBLE HIMALAYA PRIVATE LIMITED invoice you (the service cost can vary from $ 20 to 100 depending on the information you require) and after payment of the invoice, we provide detailed advice on any questions you have .
Consultation can be done both by e-mail. 

And now, let's talk more about what kind of tours we develop and organize.

Individual photo tours.
We organize and conduct individual tours for photographers in India, Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti Valley, Western Tibet, the Himalayas, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Ethiopia.
We will develop an individual program for the photo tour depending on your wishes on shooting and the route.
There are 2 options:
1. We develop, organize and conduct for you photo tour based on the individual program (We will guide you during the entire photo tour route).
2. We develop a program for your photo tour route, solve all organizational issues: rent of transport, booking hotels, maintenance by guide-interpreter (if necessary), and you follow the route yourself.

Individual photo tours can be arranged in any cost format - from budget to vip-tours.
It all depends on your needs.
It should be noted that in recent years we receive more requests for the organization of individual photo tours, and there is a reason:
during the individual photo tour photographers can shoot at their own pace, plan the program, taking into account their interests,
if necessary – can change the program and photo tour route as desired.

And now, let's talk more about what kind of tours we develop and organize.

Individual tours.
We organize and conduct individual tours for tourists to India, Western Tibet, Himalayas, Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Ethiopia.
And here, again, we will develop and help to organize an interesting tour full of events, depending on your interests and your wishes to the program to suit your needs.
It should be remembered that individual tours offer more choice and freedom during traveling.
Here, too, there are 2 options:
1. We develop, organize and conduct for you a tour based on the individual program (We will guide you during the entire route of the tour).
2. We develop the tour program, route, solve all organizational issues for you: rent a car, booking hotels, guide-interpreter (if necessary), etc., as you follow the route yourself.
Individual tours can also be arranged in any format at a cost - from budget to vip-tours.

Wedding photo tours and tours.
We develop, organize and conduct a wedding trip to India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives.
Particularly interesting wedding tours - bright, colorful wedding with the ceremony and accompanied by a photograph - we spend in South India (Kerala, Karnataka) and Sri Lanka.
Wedding travels in our execution can be different:
- happen before or after the wedding.
- in the mode of extreme tour or a comfortable stay in an unusual atmosphere.
- as a honeymoon journey or wedding ceremony with travel.
The variation there can be very different - it all depends on your wishes and fantasies,
in any case – I can say with certainty that this honeymoon you will remember for a lifetime.
By the way, it is not necessary to be a photographer to go especially to a wedding photo tour.
You may be accompanied by a guide, photographer, cameraman who will please you with photos and videos filmed during the travel at the end of the tour.

Individual ayurveda and yoga tours.
Very often during our scheduled photo tours we visit the centers of traditional medicine in India, Tibet, Nepal and Bali.
As a result - many of the participants in our tours had not been used allopathic drugs for a long time, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Here we can recommend you some ayurvedic clinics in India, Bali and Nepal, which are tested by ourselves and our groups.
Healthy food, Ayurvedic treatments, eco environment + diagnostics, rehabilitation and anti-aging, rejuvenating programs - and all of this for affordable prices is a great way to spend a vacation.

Pilgrimage tours.
Pilgrimage (from Lat. Palma - Palma), the journey of believers to the holy places in the hope of getting divine help, to purify, to determine the values of life, the meaning of life, to find own way.
In the ancient  times the pilgrimage center was the temple of Amun in Thebes, Egypt, Osiris at Abydos, of Apollo at Delphi, and others. The pilgrims generally brought a palm branch from there, hence the name "Pilgrimage".
We assist in the organization and conduct of pilgrimage tours on the territory of India, Western Tibet and Nepal.
Thematically it is Buddhism and Hinduism, and more - Buddhism.
We organize and conduct such programs very individually: in many ways it depends on your request and discussed individually.
The pilgrimage tours now is possible in two ways:
1. Buddhism: Buddhist pilgrimage tours to the monasteries of Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti Valley. Presence on the sacred ceremonies and pujas Cham Dance. The close acquaintance with the culture of Tibetan Buddhism.
More information can be found in the section of our website for Ladakh.
2. Hinduism: throughout Ladakh, India and Nepal.

Apply for the development of an individual photo tour / travel:


The Booking of your participation in any journey takes place in three stages:

First step: Filling the application form for participation in the tour. Be sure to include your full name, We work officially and all accounts are registered. Please write your contact so that we have the communication wit you. After your application come to our website - the site administrator will send you a bill at your name for a advance of the tour. Maximum response time: 6 hours. Usually responsible for 1 hour.

Second stage: The reservation to participate in any tour takes place when you make the advance payment of 30% of the tour price to the account of an Indian travel company PROJECT PHOTOTOUR PRIVATE LIMITED . The advance is transferred via bank payment systems in any bank, account details will be sent by the administrator to e-mail of participants after getting the application form for participation.

ATTENTION Booking the tour takes place only when the advance payment transferred. If, after receiving of the invoice for advance payment, you do not make a payment within three working days, your application form for participation is automatically canceled by site. If you still want to participate in the tour, you have to apply the form again. When we receive an advance on our bank account we sent payment receipts confirming your participation, as well as a contract for the provision of travel services on this tour. The administrator sends you the electronic copies of receipts and contracts with digital signature and seal by e-mail and if necessary - to the postal address - the original documents. The remaining amount is payable as ayou arrive at the beginning of the trip, in India.

The third stage: Preparing for the journey. We also have a verbal communication on Skype with members of our travels. 2 weeks before the tour we gather the whole group in Skype and discuss preparations for the journey. Also welcome verbal individual consultations on Skype, it helps us to answer all your questions maximized. Because the most of the year we are in India, the main communication with us is Skype.

Attention! You don't need to register on our site to join the tour. If you are unable to fill the application form, please just send your application in letter (free form) - by mail: [email protected]

Attention! If you have not received a response to your letter within 6 hours (maximum response time for a request), please look at the spam folder. Perhaps, our letter got there by mistake. We always reply to requests in a maximally short period of time.

Individual tours with Travel Agency Project PhotoTour.

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