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Главная Ladakh Tours and Trekking

О туркомпании «Проект Фототур»

Занимаемся мы тем, что, начиная с 2004 года, организовываем и проводим фототуры  и туры различной направленности (путешествия, йога, аюрведа) по ЮВА, Индии, Непалу, Средней Азии, Тибету, Гималаям, Эфиопии, Марокко.
Список стран постоянно обновляется).
На нашем сайте Вы найдете подробную информацию о наших ближайших турах, о том, что необходимо для того, чтобы поехать в путешествие, как подготовиться к туру, а также массу полезной и просто интересной информации по странам, в которых мы работаем. 
Проект ФотоТур - туристическая компания, работающая на русском и английском языках. Подробнее...

Календарь фототуров и туров
1382 $

Оракулы Северной Индии

25.01 — 6.02.2025 (13 дней)
1100 $

Зимние Мистерии в Ладакхе

7.02 — 16.02.2025 (10 дней)
1157 $

Голубые Горы

20.02 — 5.03.2025 (14 дней)
1287 $

Невероятная Индия

5.03 — 16.03.2025 (12 дней/11 ночей)
1100 $

Май в Ладакхе

1.05 — 10.05.2025 (10 дней)
1200 USD
в разработке
1450 $

Долина Спити

2.08 — 15.08.2025 (14 дней)
1414 $
1000 $

Тибет Озерный-2

17.08 — 26.08.2025 (10 дней)
1000 $

Только те, кто предпринимают абсурдные попытки, смогут достичь невозможного.

Albert Einstein

Мы в соцсетях

Жизнь - как Удивительное Путешествие.

Ladakh ( Jammu and Kashmir State, North India ) for the Project PhotoTour is a very significant place : We live in Ladakh. We know and love Ladakh. We sincerely accept the culture of Ladakh - as one of the most environmentally friendly culture on our planet. We have a great team working Ladakh Russian - and English-speaking guides. And we can be your guides on this amazing land.

On the territory of Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti valley we organize customized tours, trekking and excursions of any type and duration:

- higland jeep tours,
- Ladakh tours of lakes,
- eco-tours,
- trekking of any complexity,
- motorcycles tours,
- bike tours, cycling,
- photo tours,
- yoga tours,
- pilgrimage tours,
- tours, exploring the culture of Tibetan Buddhism,
- mystery tours and festivals in the Buddhist monasteries,
- teaching tours in Ladakh (organization comfortable accommodation + transport + if necessary accompanying guide),
- tours in the monasteries of Ladakh,
- tours in Zanskar,
- tours in Spiti Valley,
- the organization and maintenance of film and photo shooting in Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti Valley.

Trekking map of Ladakh and Zanskar regions.
Trekking map of Ladakh and Zanskar regions.


The following page shows our tour programs in Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti Valley in 2021.
Time of any type of tours: April - October inclusive.
Buddhist mysteries in Ladakh - year-round, according to the calendar of Buddhist holidays. Our tours are accompanied by Russian and English-speaking guides.

If you want us to have arranged a trip to Ladakh - please send us an email via the form located below.
In a letter in any form, please indicate:
1. In which tour you want to go.
2. Time of tour.
3. Number of persons.
4. General wishes to the tour.
After receiving the letter, we contact with you and engage the organization of your travel in Ladakh.

Write the letter to us

Your E-Mail:
Your message:
Renew code

Advantages of working with us in Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti Valley.

We live in Leh, Ladakh, and here we are - first hand, ie we have our own transport in Ladakh, its hotels, its own team of tour guides.
All tours we organize and lead by themselves.
This means that:
1. In terms of security - we are able to make proper acclimatization to the altitude, we know the way physicians treat if necessary; cars that run on our tours, get through scheduled technical inspection; we accompany our tours from ladder to ladder and always monitor the security situation in the tour itinerary.
2. In terms of the cost of tours - we provide our clients with local prices, not mediation.
3. In terms of the organization of tours - we know Ladakh and can arrange in Ladakh almost any tour at your request.
4. In terms of the tour - we have complete control and are responsible for everything that happens on our tours, and can always change the program according to your wishes on the place.
5. We love the culture of Ladakh, we live in this culture - and we accompany our guests to places where tourists usually do not get.
Total : With us, your trip to Ladakh is a really fun, affordable, safe and comfortable in all respects.

The following are examples of tours of different orientation and complexity which we led in Ladakh, Zanskar and Spiti. You can take as a basis for your travel any of these tours: the cost of each tour of Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti - calculated individually, because it depends on the size of the group, transport, timing and your individual wishes. And we can make you an individual tour program, according to your wishes.



Trekking in Ladakh.

Every summer we organize the trekking in Ladakh. You can find our programs of trekking in Ladakh below. If you want to organize your trip to Ladakh so that it consisted of trekking - we will gladly assist you.
Trekking in Ladakh on route Spituk - Stok. 3 days.


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