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1382 $

Оракулы Северной Индии

25.01 — 6.02.2025 (13 дней)
1100 $

Зимние Мистерии в Ладакхе

7.02 — 16.02.2025 (10 дней)
1157 $

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20.02 — 5.03.2025 (14 дней)
1287 $

Невероятная Индия

5.03 — 16.03.2025 (12 дней/11 ночей)
1100 $

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1.05 — 10.05.2025 (10 дней)
1200 USD
в разработке
1450 $

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2.08 — 15.08.2025 (14 дней)
1414 $
1000 $

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17.08 — 26.08.2025 (10 дней)
1000 $

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Photo tour program in Burma. Photo tour program in Myanmar.

Burma tour schedule:

Day 1: Flight to Bangkok.

Day 2: Arriving to Bangkok.
Moving in to the hotel on Kaosan street.
Having a rest after long flight.
After having a lunch, we go for a walk through the city centre: Democracy monument, Phu Khao Thong (the Golden Stupa),
where we'll be viewing Bangkok's panorama, monasteries and temples, Bangkok channels excursion, visiting Siam buisness centre
and the highest viewpoint on the hotel's roof.

Day 3: Bangkok. 
At early morning we will go to Burma's embassy and prepare all papers for visa.
Then we go to Bangkok's centre: for a walk, boat tour through city main river — Mae Nam Chao Phraya and having a ride onthe "Sky express" — comfortable subway, which is very convenient for viewing the city.
We will stop for a while in picturesque places.
We'll meet gardens, parks, monuments, stupas and temples, including the most butiful temple of the Emerald Buddha, as well as Wat Pho — the biggest lying Buddha temple in Thailand (there is where the best massage in Bangkok is made).
After lunch we return to embassy for visas.
The rest of our time we can spend visiting Big Floating Market and watching totoy (transvestite) show in evening.
Or we can just have a quiet dinner at a national quisine restaurant discussing photography.

Day 4: Birma.
Early in the morning we are having a flight from Bangkok Airport to Birma.
Flight will take one hour meanwhile.
We are moving in to NEW AYEYAR HOTEL.
Starting at 12:00, we are having a car ride through Yangon.

This day we visit two very interesting places:

1. Gigantic (55 meters high) sculpture of lying Buddha, which is at last one thousand years old.
Since centuries the statue was forgotten, and jungles have hidden it from humans eye.
When english engineers were about to construct a railroad through jungles, planning to dig a tunnel through a mountain,
they found that mountain actually was a statue, and the good place for a tunnel was Buddha's mouth.

2. Huge golden stupa-pagoda Shvedagon, built 2500 years ago.
Its 98-meter amd 60 tonns spire is decorated with 1200 diamonds ang golden plates.
The temple is known for keeping four hairs of Buddha (Shri-Lanka's temple has only one, and it is demonstrated only at celebrations)/
There is a temple complex around the stupa, overall ten pavilions.
For tourists, who can't or too tired to walk to the pagoda's top by stairs there is an elevator.
Hundreds of burman people walk around, dressed in their best clothes.
There are also nata's sanctuaries in pavilions.
A lot of people meditate aroud desire fulfillment place.
Pagoda square is divided into 8 parts, one part for one celestial body and one day of a week (Wednesday is divided into two parts).
One pavilion keeps a bell, which english men tried to take to motherland, but failed as it drowned in the river.
Burma's engineers succeded to get it from river's bottom and returned to it's place.
Loudspeakers pronounce prayers.
Streams of moving people around the stupa create a general feeling of celebration
and participation in creation.

Day 5: Second day in Yangon.
Flower holiday.
Early in the morning we get into cars and continue excursion through Yangon.
Photographing the celebrating procession and Flower Carnival.
Visiting the most interesting places of Yangon and downtowns by car.

Day 6: Bago.
In the morning we start our journey to Bago.
Bago is the capital of Burma, located in south of the country.
On our way to Bago we stop to take photos of the most beautiful temples and pagodas and their interiors, aslike Chiaiokrun temple,
built in 1476 by king Dhammazed, who placed four huge (30m height) statues of Buddha at four sides of a square in pagoda,
which symbolyze Buddha Sakhiamuni and his precursors.
Also, there is the second by it's size statue of lying Buddha situated in Bago — Shethaliaun.
End of the day we will spend photoing the Sacred Snake temple.
By the way, the snake (boa) is quite healthy and big, don't expect to meet another monument.
After all, the hotel in Taungoo (elephant park) town will meet us.
Excellent place with national cusine.

Day 7: Taungu — the Elephant village.
This day we have a short journey to the Elephant village, which is located in deep forest.
There are a lot of elephants, really a lot.
And they all are working on wood transportation — that is how people there get wood.
It's nearly impossible to stop photoing there:
small elephants, very domestic and funny.
It's also interesting to photograph elephant riders in the village.
We will spend the second half of the day riding elephants to faraway villages — there are no proper roads for cars there.
Those who want will be able to go on feet to the most distant villages.
We will spend this night in the Elephant village in comfortable bungalo.

Day 8: Kalaw.
This day will be spent on the road with numerous stops
for taking photos of interesting places: a big lot of villages and national markets.
In the evening we will drive into the Kalaw — in past it was an english settlement with picturescue colonal buldings.
There we will visit town market and breath in fresh mountain air.
Kalo is very beautiful place, there's much to see there.
We will spend night in DREEM VILAR HOTEL.

Day 9: Kalaw.
Walking day. No cars or other transport.
We will visit "Pane Hne Pin", the flaming hart of Palaung, which has 600 people popelation.
These people make their living as farmers and, rarely, hunters.
They live in long houses, 4-5 families live together.
No travel glamour — just hardcore ethnografy.
Seriously — there are a lot of shockingly sightfull places there, but not for common tourist.

Day 10: Pindaia.
Early in the morning we go to the Inle lake by cars.
As we going there, we visit Pindaia — charming village, where hand-made paper umbrellas are made.
Also a place for shooting in Pindaia — a cave with thousands of Buddha statues.
The second part of the day we will continue our journey to Niyaung Shve (nearly 3,5 hours of travelling),
a small town on a shore of Inle lake.

Day 11: Ingle Lake. Boats.
We will spend this day on the lake.
Very early we will get into boats and go into very interesting journey through the lake.
Inle is famous with unique one-legged swimmers, floating gardens, native fishing and living ways,
"Phaung Daw Oo" pagoda, where five sacred and nearly unrecognizible
(they are drowning in numerous presents and gildings) Buddha statues are situated.
In common belief, these statues were built in 12-th century.
There is "Jumping Cats" monastery in the middle of the lake.
Our tour also includes visiting Phang Dao O pagoda, weaver village and cigar factory.

Day 12: Mandalay.
Early in the morning we wil start start to move towards Mandalay.
On the way we visit the village Kaung Dine.
This village of Inta people is well known for
production of cakes and pasta products from soybeans.
On the road to Mandalay we will stop in ethnic villages.
Accommodation in SHWE MYANMAR HOTEL.

Day 13: Mandalay.
In the morning we will get on the boat and go along the Irrawaddy in Mingun (for some hours),
famous for its 90-tonn bell - the largest existing bell in the world.
In Mingun there is also an unfinished Mingun Pagoda, which King Bodopayya began to build in 1790,
but did not ended - 30 years spent only on construction of the base.
Descendants did not continue the construction,
and the earthquake destroyed it.
But still Mingun Pagoda startling by its size, even in an unfinished form.
We will be able to see more ancient pagodas around, as well as local villages.
Will see as a unique relic of the city - the largest "Stone Book" on 729 marble slabs
are placed around the Kutodo stupa-pagoda.

After lunch we will go in a car tour through Mandalay.
The impression of Mandalay is another, closed to us, world's capital,
living by it's own rules and completely isolated from Western civilization.
We will visit the pagoda Mahamuni, where the most sacred Buddha statue in the city is situated.
Monastery Shvenandau, this is a very ancient structure with intricate patterns carved on wooden walls.
Once upon a time in this monastery lived a king Myndon.

Visiting pagodas Kyaukdawgyi, where the single marble stone statue Buddha kept.
We see the sunset from Mandalay hill.
In the evening we will visit the antiques shop and loungees  shop - National burman clothes.


Day 14: Amapuru.
In the morning we will go to Amapuru, the former capital of Burma in 18 century.
photographing on the bridge have Bein - it is the longest wooden bridge in the world length (1,2 km).
Visiting the Monastery Bagaya with a large collection of Buddha statues.
Rest. Analysis of the footage.

Day 15: Sagaing Division - Moniwa.
Early in the morning we will go on the route Sagaing Division - Moniwa.
Sagaing Division is located on the west bank of the Irrawaddy River, 21 km south-west of Mandalay.
The local hills are known as a place of religious seclusion, where more than 400 Buddhist monasteries are situated.
Hill Sagaing Division is covered with 600 white pagodas and monasteries.
This hill is widely known as the religious center of Myanmar, which is home to 3.000 monks, and in which there are 100 centers
A huge dome-shaped pagoda, built in 1636 in the image of Pagoda Maha-ceti in Sri Lanka, is located in 10 km from Sagaing is Kaung-hmu-daw, .

Then we will move to move to Monywa.
Monywa - typically Myanmarsky town situated on the bank of the river Chindwin.
Upon arrival we will visit the Temple of Buddha in Indian style, a unique structure in entire Myanma,
beautifully decorated with the finest stucco work in the country, dating back 17 centuries.
In the afternoon, we will also try to get to the production of cotton bedspreads.
Also we will visit a traditional lacquer ware production in the village of «Kyauk Kar».
And at sunset, we will go to the Pagoda «Alantayar», where the largest sitting Buddha in the whole Southeast Asia is situated,
it's height more than 300 feet.
Night in Monywa.

Day 16: Moniwa-Pakkoku-Bagan.
We will get uo very early, sit on the ferry to cross the river Chindvin
and go to seldomly visited 15th temple complex «Pho Win Daung»,
where more than 450.000 of the Buddha statues were cut from sandstone on the slopes of the hill, in caves, alcoves, or tiny niches.
Cave paintings preserved till nowdays in the pristine blue-violet and pastel colors.
Many statues of Buddha can be seen without going into caves or niches.
It is impossible to miss the amazing Buddha resting on a rectangular stone mosaics made from iridescent faceted glass.
Then go to Pakokku, a bustling tobacco trading center.
From here on boats we wil sail to Bagan.
Cars will meet us on the quay and we will go to the hotel.
The hotel has a swimming pool).

Day 17: Bagan.
Bagan - it is a huge archaeological area dotted with thousands of big and small pagodas.
You could move from temple to temple for a long time,
meditate in front of the altar, climb to the upper tiers of the steep stairs and through the inner dark stairs,
watch the sunset from the special viewing platforms at the tops of temples.
The huge abandoned city, which residents have spent all their efforts on construction of temples and did not think about their own homes, is filled with ghosts for many centuries.

City tour of Bagan is for full day with russian-talking guide.
The tour starts with a visit to Nyaung U market, famous pagoda Shvezigon, and the temple Htilominlo.
After lunch - meeting the work of local producers of lacquered wooden things, visiting the temple Ananda,
where two statues of Buddha are placed.
The remarkable fact that the expression on their faces changed depending on the distance from which you look at them.
Later in the afternoon - a trip to the monastery Ananda Okkyaung,
the highest temple and the temple of Bagan Thatbyinnyu Myauk Guni,
the upper terrace which offers breathtaking views of the sunset.
In the evening - attending dance school.

Day 18: Bagan.
Free day in Bagan.
There are so many interesting,
that we'll decide what to do on the second day, depending on group requests.

Day 19: Bagan - Mount Popa.
In the early morning we will depart to mount Popa (1,5 hours).
On the way we will visit villages and watch the collecting of the juice
from palm trees and its processing into palm sugar.
We will visit the great sleeping volcano — mount Popa.
Volcanic rock of mount Popa has become a haven for the most powerful nats of Burma.
Visiting the museum nats, which represents 37 statues of nats gods in actual size.
During the walk upstairs in stupas and tombs, covering the hill above the museum, you will see a lot of pilgrims.

After dinner we will go to the meditation center, located near mount Popa.
That night we will live in a house of meditation at the monastery - each one will have his or her own cell.
We will have meals with monks and nuns.
We will be provided with a session of meditation - our group will be explained how to meditate.
Filming in the meditation house is completely allowed.


Day 20: Mount Popa — Pyay.
In fact, we will spend the whole day on the road.
Many stops in ethnic villages.

Day 21: Piau - Yangon.
In the early morning wi will photograph at the market Piau - the market there is a huge and fully ethnic.
There are really very interesting places around.
After the shootings we will leave to Yangon — as usual with numerous stops along the road.
Arriving in Yangon in the evening into the familiar NEW AYEYAR HOTEL.
Getting ready for takeoff.
Farewell dinner, delicious.

Day 22:Yangon - Bangkok.
Arriving to Bangkok.
In the evening - flight back home.
Upon request and depending on the schedules of our aircraft
we could go to the city - for a walk in Bangkok.

Then we will get on tthe plane and fly home ).

COST Phototours In BURMA IN 22 DAYS WILL MAKE 1832 $.
To book a place to participate in the photo tour to Burma - please fill out this form.

In the photo tour cost includes:
1. All transfers during the photo tour of Burma - 3 man in the car. Machines we are greeted at the airport and escorted to the airport.
2. Escort drivers - tour guides from the beginning to the end of the tour.
3. Accommodation in double rooms in hotels in Burma. Hotels of level 2 *- 5 *.
If desired, can be placed in single rooms - cost $ 315 for the whole route.
4. Meals - are very abundant and hearty breakfasts in Burma.
5. Accompanying guide and photographer along the route.
6. Excursions along the route.
7. Trekking through the jungle on elephants in Elephants Derain.
8. The movement of boats and boats in Burma.
9. Living in the House of Meditation at a monastery near Mount Popa.
10. Classes on meditation.
11. 4 master-class in photography.

Attention: the earlier bought tickets - the cheaper they are.
Especially on the flight Bangkok - Burma - Bangkok, Thailand.

In the photo tour does not include:
1. Flights to Thailand (Bangkok) and back. Ticket price may kollebatsya 500 to $ 900.
2. Flight Bangkok-Yangon-Bangkok. Tickets - roughly $ 200.
3. Thai visa. Worth $ 35 for the Ukrainians - or executed at the Bangkok airport, or at the Embassy of Thailand in Kiev.
For Russians - Thai visa - free of charge.
4. Visa to Burma: is made either in Moscow or the Internet.
Cost $ 70 - depending on the method of obtaining a visa.
5. Visas for the various provinces of Burma. Drawn at the intersection of provincial boundaries in place. Cost $ 40.
6. Hotel accommodation in Bangkok: the cost of $ 10 per day.
7. Moving on taxis and other transport in Bangkok - about $ 20.
8. Entrance fees for sightseeing visits to facilities in Bangkok and monasteries in Burma. About $ 60 on all tours.
9. Medical insurance - is made by each participant individually photo tour of the place of residence.
10. Dining in Bangkok: $ 10 per day - maximum lot and delicious.
11. Meals in Burma: orientation is a maximum of 12 dollars a day.
12. Personal expenses.
13. Tipping.

Number of participants - 7 people.
In the photo tour can also take part not only to photographers and amateurs, and journeys.

Book a place to participate in this photo tour can sign up through a form of photo tour.
Get detailed information on the photo tour to Burma - perhaps by the following coordinates:
+38 093 690-2552 - Ilona Kryzhanovskaya
icq: 281311062
skype: il-il-il (or search by email il [ear] voliacable.com) - Ilona Kryzhanovskaya
e-meil: il [ear] voliacable.com, mirrori [ear] mail.ru - in the subject line, please specify: Burma.

Mandatory condition of booking a place in this photo tour is the advance payment of $ 300.

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