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О туркомпании «Проект Фототур»

Занимаемся мы тем, что, начиная с 2004 года, организовываем и проводим фототуры  и туры различной направленности (путешествия, йога, аюрведа) по ЮВА, Индии, Непалу, Средней Азии, Тибету, Гималаям, Эфиопии, Марокко.
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Календарь фототуров и туров
1382 $

Оракулы Северной Индии

25.01 — 6.02.2025 (13 дней)
1100 $

Зимние Мистерии в Ладакхе

7.02 — 16.02.2025 (10 дней)
1157 $

Голубые Горы

20.02 — 5.03.2025 (14 дней)
1287 $

Невероятная Индия

5.03 — 16.03.2025 (12 дней/11 ночей)
1100 $

Май в Ладакхе

1.05 — 10.05.2025 (10 дней)
1200 USD
в разработке
1450 $

Долина Спити

2.08 — 15.08.2025 (14 дней)
1414 $
1000 $

Тибет Озерный-2

17.08 — 26.08.2025 (10 дней)
1000 $

Человек, который никогда не ошибался, никогда не пробовал сделать что-нибудь новое.

Альберт Эйнштейн

Мы в соцсетях

Жизнь - как Удивительное Путешествие.

Phototour program in Sikkim

So, at first - about the holiday itself Losung.
«Losoong» - marks the end of the harvest.
The word «Losoong» comes from combining the words «lo» - year «Soong» - to celebrate.
Sikkim New Year in rural areas received a second name Sonam Losoong (Farmer's New Year).
Men and women have been celebrating with bathing and putting on the new national dress. In these days must go to the temple and performed puja ritual (Pooja), Sikkimese read special prayers phola, burning juniper, and sing songs in praise of the rising sun.
On 6 and 7 of the festival's time Losung Nyempa Guzom. In this period can not start new businesses and generally do anything. In the belief that any job will bring only misery and frustration, so this day is forbidden not only work but also gossip a lot of chatter, as well as gambling.
One of the main features of the festival are folk dances Losung Cham (Cham). Cham performed by men. Especially colorful spectacle can be seen in monasteries Tsug Lakhang, Phodong and Rumtek. Dancers dress up and wear masks of the gods. Colourful, scary costumes, outrageous dance steps designed to ward off evil spirits. Cham symbolizes the victory of good forces over evil. Another local dance that has religious significance, is Kagyed - demonstrate his monks wearing masks. This action is carried out with the goal of removing curses and expulsion of demons.
In the state capital of Gangtok are carnivals where you can see the ceremony of purification by fire - through the crowd rushing burning torches, and at this time, the dancers whirl in a passionate dance Cham. Also during the festival are held traditional competitions in archery.
Losung holiday, perhaps the most amazing and colorful festivals of Sikkim.
By the way, in fact, all the celebrations of Sikkim in Losung are sacred acts aimed at spiritual cleansing, the recovery of the organism, as well as a set of mental and physical strength ...
It is in that we want to participate, and take pictures.

Photo tour program in India: A Celebration of New Year in Sikkim.

Sikkim Cultural and Festive Tour Itinerary
(Duration of the tour 15 Days)
Destination covered: Gangtok | Changu | Dzongu | Pastanga | Ravangla | Pelling

20th December (Day 1)
Our representative will receive the groups at the Bagdogra Airport and will escort them towards Gangtok.
On reaching Gangtok the groups will be transferred to hotel. Evening will be free and the groups can spent their time on self leisure.

21st December (Day 2)
The groups will start their day will Gangtok City Tour.
The places which will be covered on this City Tour will be Handicraft and Handlooms Center, Flower Exhibit Center, Gangtok Ropeway and Namgyal Institute of Tibetology.

22nd December (Day 3)
Today the groups will visit Enchey Monastery to witness the beginning of Guda Chaam (Dance).
Being the first day of the Chaam the monks practices the dance and normally they do not cover their faces with the mask.
However, it is interesting to watch the synchronize dances of the monks to the beats and tunes of orchestra.

23th December (Day 4)
Early morning the group will drive towards Rumtek Monastery to witness the Kagyed Chaam (Dance).
Today being the main event the Chaam (Dance) is performed by the monks in Chaamgo (Dancing Dress) and masks.
During the Chaam (Dance) the groups will witness its different forms and these are Rol‐Chaam, Shyak, Namding, Thakshobalap, Hdur, Thoma Tshoglen, Sawa‐Chaam, Shanag (Black Hat).

24th December (Day 5)
The day starts with morning drive towards Phodong Monastery to witness the final day of monastic festival.
The day is engaged in prayer and worships which are performed by Gurus.
On this day large numbers of people gather to receive blessing and offering.
Evening will be free and groups can enjoy time on self leisure.

25th December (Day 6)
The groups will diver towards Changu Lake early in the morning.
On reaching Lake the groups will engaged themselves taking photograph of the lake and its vicinity.
Thereafter, the groups will return to Gangtok and while returning they will visit Ganesh Tok and Tashi ViewPoint.

26th December (Day 7)
The groups will leave Gangtok for Dzongu and on the way they will visit Kadi Lungchok.
Upon arriving at Dzongu the groups will be transferred to Home‐stays.
During the stay in Dzongu they will also participate in the important festival of Lepcha community known as Naambun Naamaal.

27th December (Day 8)
While staying in Dzongu the groups will visit Tingvong village.
On reaching the village the groups will be able to take the photographs of Mt. Kanchendzonga (third highest peak of the world).
Besides, this they will also be able to photograph people, culture and the village lifestyle.
In addition to this the group will also visit Passingdang Monastery.

28th December (Day 9)
Today the groups will engage themselves to witness and participate in the Naambun Naamaal festival.
This festival is marked by a colorful fest at Namprikdang which offers a wide range of cultural diversity and various cultural events.

29th December (Day 10)
The groups will leave Dzongu for Pastanga.
On reaching Pastanga groups will receive a traditional welcome and after that they
will be transferred to home‐stays respectively where they will take rest for the day.

30th December (Day 11)
While saying at Pastanga the groups will be able to photograph people and culture, centuries old traditional houses and understand the rural way of lifestyle.
Besides this groups can also participate in cultural show as well as taste local delicacies and beverages.

31st December (Day 12)
After Pastanga guest will leave for Ravangala.
En route they will visit Smadruptshe and on reaching Ravangla they will also visit Buddha Park and Karma Thekchen Monastery as well as Ralong Monastery and Bon Monastery.
After that they will be transferred to hotel at Ravangla and will rest for the day.

1st January (Day 13)
The groups will leave Ravangla for Pelling.
On reaching Pelling the groups will be transferred to hotel.
After that in the afternoon the groups will visit Pemayangtshe Monastery and Sanga Chelling Monastery.
Evening will be free and the groups can enjoy time on self leisure.

2nd January (Day 14)
The final day of the tour will be engaged on visiting historical and religious place in and around Pelling.
The places covered in this tour will be Rabdenste Palace Ruins, Kechopari Lake, Norbugang and Dibdi Monastery.

3rd January (Day 15)
End of Sikkim Cultural and Festive Tour and the groups will be transferred to Bagdogra Airport to board the plane for further onwards journey.

TOTAL COST Phototour in Sikkim TO 20 DAYS IS 1923 dollars.
To book a place to participate in the photo tour to Sikkim - please fill out this form.
Reservations to participate in fotoekspeditsii happens when you make an advance payment of 20% of the cost of the program.
(If you make an advance payment shall be issued a receipt confirming the payment of money and book your participation.)

In the photo tour cost includes:
1. All transfers in Delhi.
2. Moving along the entire route (from the gangway to the plane) with comfortable jeeps in Sikkim.
3. Maintenance of the organizers from the beginning to the end of the tour.
4. Accommodation in double rooms in 3 * hotel in Delhi.
5. Accommodation in double rooms in hotels of 3 * and 4 * with breakfast in Sikkim.
6. The hotels Pastanga, Dzongu also provides full board - three meals a day.
Perhaps single room photo tour of the whole route, surcharge $ 340 for the entire route.
7. Tour assistance of local guides carriers of culture on the whole route in Sikkim.
8. Three ekskurssionnyh day in Delhi with a local Russian-speaking guide.
9. 4 master-class on ethnographic photography, the construction of the myth of photography and subkulturalnym practices.
10. At the request of members - individual and group viewing captured images with commentary.
Also at the request of the participants and the availability of time possible seminars-lectures on the basics of photography: composition, light and color.

In the photo tour cost does not include:
1. Flights to Delhi airport and back.
2. Flight Delhi - Bagdogra - Delhi. Tickets $ 200-260 order.
The earlier tickets are purchased - the cheaper they are.
3. Indian visa $ 40. Executed independently in the community.
4. Meals during the photo tour - about 200 - $ 250 for the entire trip.
5. Entrance fees to monasteries for the holidays. The order of $ 100 for the entire photo tour.
But not for the fact that this money will be needed at all. From past experience - with them we never took.
That's why this item in photo tour cost is not included.
6. Personal expenses.
7. Medical insurance - is made by each participant individually photo tour of the place of residence.

Attention! The cost of participation in this photo tour of dollars calculated at the rate of Rs 45 per dollar.
Please, before leaving for India to check with the organizers of the current exchange rate.

Registration to the Phototour be up to 10 November 2011,
but it should be borne in mind that the sooner redeemed tickets - the cheaper they are.

Tour figured out saving: that is, all necessary and sufficient conditions for the convenience and photographers - are included.
Particular attention is paid to transport: a jeep each will have its own window for photography).
Accommodation - comfortable.
Will stop whenever we want.
The route can be changed at will - to call in all the places of interest.
A lot of time to give photography Tsam Dance and ethnographic photography.
Also in the assets - landscape photography and still life (utensils in the kitchens of convents and monasteries).
In the evenings - as you can - we will conduct debriefings footage.
In the photo tour to Sikkim can also take part not only to photographers and fans and just travel.

So, for those who wish to travel to Sikkim and wants to ask questions about the photo tour - please directly contact Ilona Kryzhanovskaya the following contacts:
Phone: +38 093 690-2552 - Ilona Kryzhanovskaya
icq: 281311062
skype: il-il-il (or search by email il [ear] voliacable.com) - Ilona Kryzhanovskaya
e-meil: il [ear] voliacable.com - in the subject line, please specify: Sikkim.

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