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О туркомпании «Проект Фототур»

Занимаемся мы тем, что, начиная с 2004 года, организовываем и проводим фототуры  и туры различной направленности (путешествия, йога, аюрведа) по ЮВА, Индии, Непалу, Средней Азии, Тибету, Гималаям, Эфиопии, Марокко.
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Проект ФотоТур - туристическая компания, работающая на русском и английском языках. Подробнее...

Календарь фототуров и туров
1382 $

Оракулы Северной Индии

25.01 — 6.02.2025 (13 дней)
1100 $

Зимние Мистерии в Ладакхе

7.02 — 16.02.2025 (10 дней)
1157 $

Голубые Горы

20.02 — 5.03.2025 (14 дней)
1287 $

Невероятная Индия

5.03 — 16.03.2025 (12 дней/11 ночей)
1100 $

Май в Ладакхе

1.05 — 10.05.2025 (10 дней)
1200 USD
в разработке
1450 $

Долина Спити

2.08 — 15.08.2025 (14 дней)
1414 $
1000 $

Тибет Озерный-2

17.08 — 26.08.2025 (10 дней)
1000 $

Сделай всё возможное с твоей стороны. Все невозможное сделает Бог.

Мы в соцсетях

Жизнь - как Удивительное Путешествие.

Tour of Little Tibet: Ladakh and Spiti : 05.08. - 04.09. 2011.

Tour of Little Tibet: Ladakh and Spiti : 05.08. - 04.09. 2011.

The first time I visited the Little Tibet in August 2010.
Perhaps it was the most intense ride of impressions and events for all the years of my fotoputeshestvy. In Leh, we unfortunately do not fall in 2010 - because of the floods that have occurred there in early August.
But the time we spent in the Valley of Spiti (and spent more than originally planned) - we do not have enough.
So, next year we plan to go there in this format fotoekspeditsii:
- Duration of tour - 1 month
- We live in monasteries, and in very remote villages,
- A lot of time will be allocated to individual photography - that is, movement of the regime itself in jeeps along the route means that each participant will be able to shoot in native mode.

Photo tour program to the fotoekspeditsii Tibet: Ladakh and Spiti valley.

Tour of Little Tibet: Ladakh and Spiti : 05.08. - 04.09. 2011

Day 1: Delhi - Mandi.
After breakfast - departure by jeep in the Himalayas.
Approximate travel time to Mandi (gateway to the Kullu valley) - 10 hours (400 km), excluding stops for photography, lunch and rest.
Check in is at night.
Check in at hotel.

Day 2: Mandy - Nagar.
Early in the morning (5.00) go in Kullu valley and overcome the remaining 3 hours to the village of Nagar.

Day 3: Nagar.
The second day in Nagar.
Morning landscape photography.
Jeep will take the maximum possible climb up, then to peshochkom reach the saddle between the valleys of Kullu and Parvati (about 3000 m, about 2 hours ascent on foot).

Day 4: Nagar - Vashishta.
Moved into the village Vashishta (5 km from Manali).
From Vashishta go to Manali - a local mountain resort.
Inspect local churches, a park, a Buddhist monastery.

Day 5: Vashishta.
Free day in Vashishta.

Day 6: Vashishta-Keylong.
Moving from Vashishta through beautiful Rohtang Pass (4000 m) in the settlement Keylong (114 km).

Days 7-8: Keylong.
Two days in Keylonge.
Traveling by car to famous Buddhist monasteries:
1. Shashur Gompa, XVI century (3 km from Keylonga, 600 meters above the valley), in this monastery lived and worked Yuri Roerich;
2. Gompa monastery Khardong (6 km) - the largest in the region, known for the huge prayer wheels, a collection of weapons and a large portrait of the Buddha.
3. 11 km to the southwest in the Tandy is the oldest monastery of Lahaul - 800 years of Guru Ghantal Gompa, according to legend, he was laid founder of Tibetan Buddhism, Guru Padmasambhava.

Day 9: Keylong - Leh.
Early in the morning (4.00) go to Leh.
Long (400 km) and a very beautiful road to Leh, the capital of Ladakh.

Day 10-11: Leh.
Photography at the festival at the monastery.
Trip to the monasteries in Leh district.

Days 12-13: Leh and the Indus River valley.
Fotosemka in the monasteries of the Indus Valley: Shey gompa, Tiksi and Hemis.

Day 14: Leh - Nubra.
Moving to the Nubra valley across the world's highest road pass.

Day 15: Nubra.
Visiting villages and Discs Hander.

Day 16: Nubra - Leh.
We return to Leh, relax in front of a long move.

Day 17: Leh - Keylong.
The road back to Keylonga (full daylight hours, more than 300 km).

Day 18: Keylong - Kaza.
Moving to the valley of Spiti (high) (about 200 km).

Days 19 - 21: Kaza.
Visit the ancient monastery of Ki, the possibility of spending the night in a monastery, presence services.
Journey into the alpine village in the world where the paved road - Kibber (4,205 m).

Day 22: Kaza - Dankar.
Moved into the monastery Dankar (50 km).

Day 23: Dankar.

Day 24: Dankar - Naco.
Very early in the morning (4.00) go.
Moving to Thabo (20 km), where preserved ancient Buddhist images (iconography, thangka) in the ancient temples.
Village Guen - visit mummy monk Sangha Tenzin.
Then - motion by the most terrible and very beautiful road in India, the leading lower into the valley of Kinnaur.
Stop in Naco.

Days 25-26: Naco.

Days 27-30: Return to Delhi.
On the way stop at favorite cities.

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