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Чеширский Кот: О да, жизнь – это серьёзно! Но не очень…

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Tour in Sikkim: 28 April-May 12, 2012 year.

Photo Tour "the journey to Sikkim (India): Illuzorium Sikkim, 28 April-May 12, 2012 year."

Title: Photographic Tour (Leisure Category)

Duration: 14 nights / 15 days

Destination covered: Gangtok | Ravangla | Pelling | Darjeeling | Kalimpong

Features: Monasteries Tour | Floral Tour | Pilgrim Centers | Scenic Landscapes  

Day 1: On arrival at Bagdogra Airport our representatives will receive the guests and escort them towards Gangtok (about 1600 meters). The drive from the airport till Gangtok will take 4-5 hours and will cover the distance of about 125 kilometers approximately along river Teesta one of the major rivers of Sikkim. On the way we will make a small halt at Rango, border town of Sikkim to obtain the Inner Line Permit (ILP) which is mandatory for foreign nationality visiting Sikkim. On reaching Gangtok the guests will be transferred to the hotel and after some hours of rest and if guests’ wishes can take an evening stroll around M.G. Marg in the heart of the town or spend time on self leisure.      

Day 2: Begins with Gangtok city tour and during the course we will visit Dophenling Monastery which is only monastery in Sikkim belonging to Gelugpa Linage, thereafter our next stop will be Ogyen Dongag Monastery belonging to Nyingmapa order of Buddhism, next we will visit Handicraft Center where we will witness the Sikkimese art, craft and skills of local artesian still being preserved and practiced, then we will visit Flower Exhibit Center where variety of orchids and other ornamental Himalayan flora when in bloom are riot of colors. 

Day 3: We will start our day with morning drive to Enchey Moanstery which is an important sect of Nyingmapa order and is perched on a spectacular ridge offering peace and calm environment together with the view of Mt. Khanchendzonga. After that we will take a ride on Gangtok Ropeway. Though the ride is short yet it offers breathtaking view of the river about 1,000 meters below as well as the panoramic view of Gangtok town and its vicinity. Next we will visit Namgyal Institute of Tibetology which promotes research into Mahayana Buddhism and harbors one of the world largest collections of books and manuscripts on Mahayana Buddhism, religious arts, paintings and thankas. Thereafter we will visit Saramsa Garden which is the home for numerous spices of orchids and uncommon tropical plants of Sikkim.

Day 4: Today we will visit Rumtek Monastery, originally built by his Holiness the 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorjee in 16th century, Rumtek serve as the main seat of the Kagyupa Order. This huge and wealthy monastery is certainly the largest in Sikkim and its architect resembles to that of Tsurphu Monastery in Tibet. Thereafter we will visit Zumrang Monastery, which also belongs to Kagyupa order of Buddhism. Later we will visit Khachoed Pemayuling Ani Gompa where we will witness and participate in the evening prayer offered by the nuns. 

Day 5: After spend time at Gangtok we will precede towards Ravangla in the southern Sikkim. Ravangla situated at an altitude of about 2100 meters is one of the few places in Sikkim to offer an undisturbed view of snow capped mountain ranges of Greater Himalayas. Besides the place is also popular because of it tranquility and scenic landscape. To reach this picturesque town it will take 3-4 hours drive through Temi Tea Garden and cover the distance of about 76 kilometers approximately.

Day 6: We will begin our day with morning drive to Sri Siddhesvara Dham at Solophok, where 108 feet statue of the Lord Shiva along with 12 Jyotirlings stands at this sacred hill. Besides, this pilgrimage center is also the replica of Char Dham in India. After that we will stop at Shirdi Sai Mandir, which is dedicated to Sri Shridi Sai Baba. Later, we will visit the sacred hill of Samdruptse, where on the top towers the statue of Guru Padmasambava, a Bodhisattava and the Patron Saint of Sikkim. Measuring 135 feet in height the statue can be seen even miles away glittering in the forest. Besides, the place also houses thousands of rare scriptures and precious statues.  

Day 7: Today we will visit Palchen Choeling Monastery belonging to Kagyupa Lineage. Its architecture and paintings retains the authenticity of the Kagyupa Monasteries from Tibet. Besides the Monastery is also known for its annual Mahakala Chaam which takes places in the month of November. Later, we will visit Karma Thekchenling Monastery and Buddha Park, where 148 feet high statue of Lord Buddha is build to commemorate the 2550th anniversary of Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana. Then, we will stop at Yung Drung Kundrak Lingbon Monastery the only Bon Monastery of Sikkim preserved till date.

Day 8: After Ravangla we will make our way towards Pelling in western Sikkim. Pelling situated at an elevation of about 1900 meters is a popular destination among the tourist because of its panoramic natural beauty and its proximity to Mt. Khanchendzonga. En-route Pelling we will also visit Tashiding Monastery an important sect of Nyingmapa order, Fambrong and Kanchendzonga Waterfalls where the icy cold water cascading down the rocks offers a spectacular sight. In the course we will cover the distance of about 68 kilometers approximately, however, it will take 5-6 hours to reach Pelling due to halts we make in between to visit various places. 

Day 9: We will begin our day with morning drive to Khechopari Lake, with is located in the midst of dense forest. The lake is considered to be wish fulfilling by the locals and is regarded as one of the sacred Lakes of Sikkim. Thereafter, we will visit Pemayanste Monastery one of the important monasteries of Sikkim belonging to Nyingmapa order. Later we will visit Rabdanste which was the second capital of Sikkim during 18th century. However the palace is now in ruins and to get there we have to hike through straight footpath for about 2 kilometers.

Day 10: After Pelling we will proceed towards Darjeeling (about 2000 meters) via Peshok Tea Garden. The drive from the Pelling till Darjeeling will take 4-5 hours and will cover the distance of about 119 kilometers approximately. On reaching Darjeeling the guests will be transferred to the hotel and after some hours of rest and if guests’ wishes can take an evening stroll around Chowrasta which is in the heart of the town or spend time on self leisure.   

Day 11: While in Darjeeling we will begin our day with morning visit to Himalayan Mountaineering Institute one of the renowned Institutes for mountaineering in India. The Institute also houses the museum that display the equipments used in the victorious attempt to scale Mt. Everest. After that we will visit Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park which is famous for breeding program of Red Panda, Snow Leopard and Tibetan Wolf. Later in the afternoon we will visit Lloyd Botanical Garden that houses varieties of Himalayan flora as well as orchids.

Day 12: Begins with a joyful safari on Toy Train which has been declared as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This joyful train safari which lasts for around two hours starts from Darjeeling to Ghoom and back with stoppage at Batasia Loop and DHR Museum at Ghoom. Later in the afternoon we will visit Yiga-Choling Monastery belonging to Gelugpa Order as well as Samtencholing Monastery also belonging to the same order. After that we will visit Dhirdham Mandir which is the replica of Pashupatinath Mandir of Nepal. 

Day 13: Our day will start with the early morning drive till Tiger Hill for magnificent dawn view over Mt. Khanchendzonga and other eastern Himalayan peaks. However, the visibility of sunrise will completely depend upon the weather condition prevailing at that time. Afterwards, we will return to hotel and after some hours of rest we will proceed towards Kalimpong (about 1300 meters). The drive from Darjeeling till Kalimpong will take 2-3 hours and will cover the distance of about 54 kilometres approximately. On reaching Kalimpong the guests will be transferred to the hotel. Thereafter they can take rest to overcome the early start and discomfort or can spend the evening on self leisure.   

Day 14: While our stay in Kalimpong we will visit Kurkootey House, where Helena Ivanovna Roerich a Russian philosopher lived in the past and which is now the international center to understand the philosophy of Living Ethics. Then we will also visit Zangdogpalri Fobrang Monastery in Durpin Dara belonging to Nyingmapa sect and Tharpa Choling Monastery which belong to Gelugpa sect of Buddhism.   

Day 15: Finally our tour ends and we depart early morning for Bagdogra Airport of board flight for further onwards journey.

To book a place to participate in the journey to Sikkim-please fill out this form.
Booking for participation in the tour to Sikkim takes place when making advance payment in the amount of 20% of the program price.
(When you make an advance payment is issued a receipt confirming your booking and deposit funds on your part).
The price in Sikkim include: 
1. all transfers in New Delhi.
2. movement along the route (on the ramp to ramp aircraft) in comfortable jeep in Sikkim.
3. Support the organizers from the beginning to the end of the tour to Sikkim.
4. accommodation in double rooms in hotels 3 * and 4 * breakfast in Sikkim.
You may stay in a single room throughout the journey tour to Sikkim, extra 340$ for the entire route.
5. Tour escorts local guides media culture throughout the journey in Sikkim. 
6. master-classes on ethnographic photography, building a myth in photography and subkul′tural′nym practices.
7. on request-individual and group photos with regards to viewing finished shooting.
The price in Sikkim are not included: 
1. Airfare to and from New Delhi airport.
2. Airfare Delhi-DEP Bagdogra-Delhi. Tickets cost around 70-120 $. 
The earlier bought tickets-the cheaper they are.
3. the Indian visa for 40 $. Is drawn up independently.
4. food during the entire tour to Sikkim, about 200-250 $ for the whole duration of the trip.
5. admission tickets to the monasteries. About $ 40 for the entire tour.
But it is not clear that this money will be needed at all. On past experience, we never have.
That is why this item in the price of the tour to Sikkim is not included.
6. personal spending.
7. medical insurance is issued by each participant individually on tour to Sikkim.
At fototure in Sikkim will work the team of organizers: 
Guide-organizer of the project FrotoTur: ethnographic photography, genre photography, subkul′tural′nye practices 
build a myth in photography.
Lama Lama Suraj-local guide-Organizer, media culture.
Team guides drivers along the route of the tour.
RECORD participation in FOTOTURE is POSSIBLE to April 15, 2012 year
However, it should be borne in mind that the earlier bought air tickets, the cheaper they are.

The TOTAL PRICE of the journey-FOTOTURA in SIKKIM on 15 DAYS is $ 1823.

To book a place to participate in the journey to Sikkim-please fill out this form.
Booking for participation in the tour to Sikkim takes place when making advance payment in the amount of 20% of the program price.(When you make an advance payment is issued a receipt confirming your booking and deposit funds on your part).


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